Monday, December 15, 2008

How Sex Addiction is Affecting Your Life

This month, gossip blogs and celebrity magazines were rocked with the news that Californication star David Duchovny checked into rehab for sex addition.

Previous reports suggested that Duchovny was struggling with an addiction to Internet pornography and cybersex, but more recent rumors maintain that actual physical infidelity occurred. (However, just because Duchovny created a television series in which his fantasized writings turned into actual dalliances, we can't assume this infidelity manifested in his real life as well. Until we receive proof to the contrary, let's assume that he kept his pants on, unlike the main character he dreamt up and plays everyday.)

That being said, most couples would agree (rightfully so) that cybersex addiction can be just as devastating and hurtful as an actual affair, and it is becoming a growing concern in our tech-savvy society. According to a study released by Stanford University, 25 million Americans visit cybersex sites 1-10 hours per week, while 4.7 million Americans visit cybersex sites more than 11 hours per week.

What does the growing presence of available Internet pornography and cybersex mean for modern relationships?

Communication is required. Couples need to discuss what they consider infidelity within the confines of their relationship. For instance, is it okay for your partner to look at online pornography? Does it matter if you are present, or can he/she be free to surf solo without fear of you taking offense? Is it permissible for your partner to contact other people via the web for cybersex? Whatever you and your partner decide, agree to keep the honesty intact when accessing the web.

Consider the amount of time the cyber world takes away from your relationship. Even if you and your partner decide that cyber play is permissible, be aware of how much time you are spending on the Internet. If you are devoting more time to online erotica and virtual strangers than you are to your partner, then something is amiss. This can also be a sign of a cybersex addiction, particularly if you feel helpless to control your time online.

Secrets are a warning sign. When secrecy creeps into your "innocent" Internet play, it means that there is a problem. Whether you are hiding from your partner how much time you spend on the Internet, the sites you visit, or the people you talk to online, you are creating an environment for infidelity and relationship breakdown.

If you think that cybersex activity has become more than just a passing hobby, don't despair. Cybersex addiction can be treated, and your partner can help you through this difficult time. Click on this link for resources and treatment options. Cybersex addiction (and all sex addiction) can be just as devastating as drug/alcohol addictions, and most people need a system of support to stop their destructive behavior. Ask for help -- you will be so happy you did.

What's Wrong With Too Much Caffeine?

Recently, I wrote about the surprisingly high caffeine content in some "energy drinks." People may be drinking a lot more caffeinated beverages than they imagine, or they may be well aware of their intake but not grasp the implications of excessive amounts of caffeine.

Many people are at their best with no caffeine, although plenty of others seem to do fine with moderate amounts of caffeine, especially early during the day. Caffeine certainly has a positive side - it promotes alertness and enhances some types of mental performance.

However, researchers still debate whether caffeine really allows its drinkers to produce superior performance or simply restores a person to a level of functioning that had been impaired by sleep deprivation or fatigue.

That is, if everyone is operating at less than their potential, caffeine would seem to help. And yet it isn't clear if this boost from caffeine lifts them into a higher level of performance than usual or if caffeine is just bringing them up to their unimpaired level.

The most common problem with caffeine use is sleep disturbance. Even just morning coffee with no other caffeine later in the day can disturb nighttime sleep. More caffeine later in the day definitely produces a worse effect. Research studies have shown that caffeine:

* makes it harder to fall asleep
* decreases the total amount of sleep during the nighttime
* decreases the percent of slow-wave sleep (the deepest sleep)

Other negative aspects of caffeine use include dependence and intoxication. While there may be immediate pleasure in drinking a favorite espresso concoction or "energy drink," people routinely drink caffeinated beverages not to feel better but rather to avoid feeling worse.

When people regularly have been drinking caffeinated beverages, whether coffee, tea, sodas, or "energy drinks," they typically experience withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop them altogether. Headache is by far the most common symptom, but people may also complain of drowsiness, fatigue, fogginess and decreased alertness, poor concentration, and irritability.

Caffeine intoxication occurs when people take in excessive amounts of caffeine at one time or over a period of hours such that the caffeine in their bodies reaches a very high level. The syndrome of caffeine intoxication may include nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, tremors, rapid heart beat, and agitation. There even have been rare reports of seizures, strokes, and deaths attributed to "energy drink" consumption.

The recent "energy drink" craze is a problem for several reasons. The caffeine content, which is extremely high in some of these products, is unfortunately not included on their labels. Plus, the marketing for these "energy drinks" is targeted toward a young population that is the most vulnerable for experiencing the negative effects of high-caffeine doses.

The U.S. is far behind many other countries with regard to caffeine-content labeling and warnings about excessive use. We all have the right to know exactly how much caffeine is in the beverages we are drinking.

Depression: What are the Symptoms and Types?

We all feel sad at times. It goes with being human. But feeling depressed for an extended period is not normal and is often due to a mood disorder. There are many symptoms of depression, although not everyone with depression has all of them.

Sometimes it is very obvious when people are depressed. They may appear sad, not do the things they usually enjoy, and describe themselves as feeling low and worthless. With other people, depression may be less apparent. Some depressed people never admit to feeling sad or having a low mood, but they usually seem different to people close to them.

Here are the key symptoms of depression:

* persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
* feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
* feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
* loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities once enjoyable, including sex
* decreased energy; fatigue; feeling "slowed down"
* difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering
* trouble sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
* changes in appetite or weight or both
* thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
* restlessness or irritability
* persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain that do not respond to routine treatments

There are several different forms of depression. Here are the most common types:

* major depression – a combination of disabling symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Major depression prevents a person from functioning normally.
* dysthymic disorder – long-term (2 years or longer) but less severe symptoms that may not disable a person but can prevent him or her from functioning normally or feeling good.
* psychotic depression – when a severe depressive illness is accompanied by some form of psychosis, such as a break with reality, hallucinations, and delusions
* postpartum depression – diagnosed if a new mother develops a major depressive episode within one month after delivery
* seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – characterized by the onset of a depressive illness during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight. The depression generally lifts during spring and summer.

People suffering with depression commonly have other mental health and physical conditions, such as anxiety disorders, alcohol and other substance-abuse disorders, and serious medical illnesses.

You can also find lots of information about depression at the National Institute of Mental Health Web site.

What Is Goji Juice

Himalayan goji berries and Chinese goji berries are equally effective when it comes to health but there is a difference in taste. The Chinese berries are smaller and a little bitter tasting. The Himalayan berries are larger, plumper and sweeter tasting.

Either way, this marvelous little fruit with its health and anti-aging benefits, along with exercise, more of a vegetarian diet including fresh herbs, lots of water and fresh air, might very well be your fountain of youth!

With modern technology we can now analyze the make up and components and health benefits of goji berries (also known as wolfberries).

Goji Juice has been traditionally used to alleviate the following conditions:

* to strengthen the heart and alleviate heart palpitations
* fights insomnia and forgetfulness
* contains polysaccharides which control the pituitary glands that produce HGH (human growth hormone) which is a powerful anti-aging hormone
* can be used by pregnant women to alleviate morning sickness.
* Has in clinical trials shown a partial reversal in sexual dysfunction in seniors
* Used to boost the function of the immune system
* Has some anti-cancer properties and has been successfully used to treat hepatitis-B
* Has been used successfully for weight loss
* Helps the body detox, cleans the blood and build the immune system.

Here are some facts about this marvelous fruit:

* They contain 19 amino acids including the 8 essential amino acids.
* They have 21 trace minerals including zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium and phosphorus
* B vitamins
* Has more Beta-carotene than carrots (which converts to vitamin A) and has a complete spectrum of antioxidants.
* Has vitamin E which is almost unheard of in fruits
* Has 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges
* It contains the anti-inflammatory agent beta-sitosterol which lowers cholesterol and takes care of sexual health
* They have essential fatty acids such as omega 6 and linoleic acid that regulate hormones
* Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties

Goji Berry Juice has no harmful effect and there is no prescribed amount of consumption. Anyone can take it in suitable quantity.