Friday, January 9, 2009



1st Day in Hospital, I.V. inserted with a Morphine Drip the Night Before. (they take you, even if you're not on alot of OPIATES!) 2nd Day, usually in the morning, a FOLEY CATHETER is inserted (very painful), then Anesthesia and Naltrexone Medication to release the opiate receptors from the Opiates for 3-4hrs. Then, to Recovery where the have Clonodine I.V'd and observe you because of the Clonodine. It lowers your Blood Pressure to 80/50 and needs to be monitored carefully. They watch you that night the 3rd Day. After that, you are offered the Domus Retreat. A Recovery Center that gives Massages, Mental Therapy, A Room, Pool, Jacuzzi, Activities and MD on-call. Transportation Available to and from S0. California Airport. If there for a Week.


Addicted28 Says:
December 21st, 2008 at 10:30 am

I would like to give my account of my rapid detox experience in Detroit, Michigan. First of all it is strictly a cash payment. No insurance covers this. When I was examined for the procedure it was a complete joke. The person who gave me the exam was suppose to be the Anesthesiologist but the day of the procedure he didn’t know what any of the drugs were that were about to be pumped into me.

He was actually asking some other guy who was doing the procedure “what is in this bag and that bag” I was just about ready to jump off the table. The place was filthy and they gave me an EKG on a filthy OB/GYN table. The girl giving the EKG had to do it 4 times because she couldn't get it right.

There was absolutely no Recovery Monitoring. As soon as the procedure was done they dumped me into the back seat of my wife's car and sent us on our way. Before you leave though you get a bag with about nine different drugs that you get instructions over the phone on what to take and when.

The idea that this is a one day deal is a lie. You can not get out of bed for at least three days. You need constant monitoring by someone with some type of medical sense. Thank God my wife is a Nurse. There is one thing for sure, once you go through this hell you will never want to relapse again. I would have been better off going into a 28 day program covered by insurance and getting proper counseling.

TOTAL COST: $7,800

H. SMITH Says:
December 24th, 2008 at 12:29 pm

I don’t know where to start, but I’ll just put my true feelings down and hopefully this blog will not omit my statements. I called the Waismann Center about 2 months ago and again 3 weeks ago and talked with a Clare lady. To be honest, this fast talking gypsy like woman totally intimidated me.

I did not like the negative stuff she was saying and I was uncomfortable with her general attitude and how she was like a salesperson. She went on and on about her place was so safe and she acted as if you would be stupid to do it anywhere else. The first time I called it was $15,000.

For the treatment…the second time I called it was $18,500. For the treatment. When I mentioned that the price was alot more than some of the other places, her exact words were ” Oh darling, whatever you do, don’t go to that place in Las Vegas!”

Well, you know what…I did go to that place in Nevada. Before I decided where to go, I talked to the Doctor direct, Dr Yee. He was the most Knowledgeable and Compassionate Person I had ever talked with about my Drug Addiction.

He answered every Question in Detail and I could tell he was honest and caring. I questioned him about all my fears about my Drug Addiction and all the rumors on this blog about places that aren’t safe.

The detox center in Michigan where someone died, is no longer in operation and all employees, including the doctors are no longer involved in any detox programs.

I can understand why this other clinic would bring me on board…I was an asset. So, to be fair, I feel this blog should be aware of these facts. It was a scary thing for me to fly to LAS VEGAS, NEVADA and do this. But now that I did, I want to tell everyone else dealing with this problem to get help.

It was the best thing I ever did. I am finally free. It wasn't nearly as WAISMANN cost, about $12,300 total for Procedure,( No Foley Catheter, just Diapers ) & Approx. 10hrs under Anesthesia, because of residual opiates still in body, i was told.

After-care, Air-fare, Air-Port P/U and Hotel Room, Medication, and a Nurse Post-Op. It is all Worth It!

This Clare woman, from WAISMANN also kept saying “the place in Las Vegas puts you in a Hotel room after the detox” Let me tell you about that…a very nice efficient caring Nurse from the clinic takes you back to your very Nice Hotel and stays with you, till discharged. It took me a week to Recovery.

My Mom then was able to be there to be with me the whole time. I loved having the privacy of being in my own Hotel Room. I HATE Hospitals. The beds are uncomfortable, they are noisy, and I personally think THEY are a VERY dangerous place to be, with Non-Socomial Infections and Stuff.

I would not have been able to relax in I.C.U., that would have been terrible. My Hotel Room was very comfortable, I was able to sleep, smoke cigarettes, go for a walk outside, have my mom with me, watch T.V. and anything else I wanted to do. Michael, the Nurse really defined what a Nurse is!...

He Physically & Mentally helped me through the week. It was much better than being in a hospital. The Clinic was very clean and WOW, it was Beautiful Too. Very luxurious. I was Pleasantly Surprised by how Nice all the Staff is. I loved Dr. Yee and Michael, as the put me right as ease. These people Treat you with Respect (V.I.P.) and you can tell they Care.

Unlike alot of other places I have had dealings with. Michael is always there adjacent from my room and for me too. He always is there, whenever I called on Him day or night.

I can’t imagine when he has time to sleep. He took my Vital Signs every Day & Honestly, I could call him at any hour and he is there to help. He always gave me hope, just hearing his voice was a comfort.

I am just Thankful I found this Place. It was a Really Good Experience and I want to share this with others. You do not have to give up on this detox procedure to get “clean” because it is too expensive. You do not have to pay $18,000. to be “SAFE”

I always felt very safe, I always felt like they cared and that I could count on them if I needed something. They helped me with my sleep problems after wards too. So, to everyone with an addiction problem, don’t hesitate to do the anesthesia detox procedure…it was the only way for me. I am thrilled to finally be free and back to myself again.

H.S. Oklahoma

TOTAL COST: $12,400

Re: Rapid Detox blog launched to discuss opiate detox ...

Postby oxyclean2008 on Mon. Dec. 24, 2008 1:00 pm

Sorry folks, I have to agree with H.S. here. I went to the same RDD center as she did and had the exact same positive results. I've "cold turkeyed" on my own a few times and I can tell you that this Las Vegas Center was a life saver to me. I was actually feeling quite normal the third day!!! Go cold turkey from a huge opiate habit and tell me how you feel the third day!!! I also agree with H. Belle about the professional medical quality of the program in this center. They leave nothing to chance. The facility was staffed with board certified anesthesiologist, addiction specialist M.D., neuropsycologist, R.N.s, etc. The facility was spotless. The Hotel was VERY NICE!!!...I can't say enough positive statements about it!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Opiates elicit very powerful effects. Rapid detox counteracts them.

Opiates activate opiate receptors throughout the brain and body. Once an opiate reaches the brain, it rapidly affects that area of the brain in two ways: pleasure (or reward) and pain relief. Opiates replace natural substances that the brain itself produces, known as endorphins. Endorphins help control our respiration, nausea, vomiting, pain modulation, and hormonal regulation. Under chemical dependency, the opiate now takes control.

Stimulation of opiate receptors by opioid prescription drugs activates the pleasure circuit by releasing greater amounts of dopamine. This causes an intense euphoria. Though it lasts briefly, a contented sense of reward follows. Excessive receptor stimulation leads to addiction. Because this occurs gradually, many victims remain unaware that they need treatment like rapid detox until after they have become highly dependent.


Surveys on non-medical use of painkillers indicate increasing need among the US population for treatment, such as rapid detox, for prescription, chemical dependency:

Approximately 9% of the US population has used pain relievers illegally in their lifetime, states the 2005 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA).

* Every year nearly 2.2 million Americans use prescription painkillers for non-medical use. (i)

* Among persons aged 12 to 49, the average age at first use of illicit pain relievers in 2005 was 21.2 years (see chart below).

* In 2005, 4.7 million (2%) persons aged 12 or older used prescription-type pain‑relievers non-medically in the past month.

* In all adult age groups and some communities, prescription painkiller abuse exceeds cocaine and marijuana use.

The largest number of recent initiates (2.2 million) among abusers aged 12 or older occurs in non-medical use of pain-relievers.

* Among persons aged 12 or older who used pain-relievers non-medically, 59.8% reported that the source of the drug used was from a friend or relative for free.

* Another 16.8% reported they acquired the drug from one doctor.

* Only 4.3% received the pain-relievers from a drug dealer or other stranger, and only 0.8% reported buying the drug on the Internet.

* Non-medical use of prescription-type drugs among young adults aged 18 to 25 increased to 6.3% in 2005. This, due to an increase in pain-reliever use to 4.7% in 2005.

Learn more about addiction treatment and rapid detoxification.


The V.I.P. Las Vegas Medical Clinic of rapid detoxification is an anesthesia-assisted procedure that allows patients to return to an opiate-free, productive live. It spares them almost all of the unbearable distress and symptoms triggered by withdrawal.

* Rapid detox reverses a patient’s physical dependency on opiates.

* Rapid detox spares patients fear, suffering, and shame.

* We follow a strict safety protocol that other programs do not follow.

If you are chained to painkillers, or if someone you know and love suffers under a prescription chemical dependency, consider rapid detox.

Read about the V.I.P. Method of Rapid Detoxification.

“The success rate for people who try and dose down on their own at the methadone clinics and stay clean is 1-2%,” rapid detox patient Tiare told us. “In my opinion I would have never come off Methadone if it wasn't for the Team at Las Vegas.”

Read more of Margarita's dramatic story and her rapid detox in her personal letter.

“I had spent (the first) 12 years of my life without any kind of narcotic, so I know I can do this,” says Oxycodone patient after her rapid detoxification:. Besides, I don't want to mess up your one-month 95% success score.”

Read more of Anngelica's story about her rapid detox.

“…at least I don't have to deal with the opiates. Thank God for that,” states Brandon, a rapid detox Percocet addiction patient.

Tell us your story via confidential and private email.

During business hours, please call: 702-308-6353 or 1-702-813-3888 for more opiate detox information and prescription drug addiction treatment.

Week-ends or after-hours, please call: 702-308-9738.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Healthy Snacks

Snacking has become a way of life for both adults and children. A recent study reported that over 95 percent of the women and children in this country have at least one snack each day.

Many common snack foods are high in fat, sugar and sodium. If these foods are used for snacks frequently, they can affect our health.

Snacks can be good for us if we make good choices. Children especially may benefit from healthy snacks. They often cannot eat enough at three meals a day to satisfy their hunger and provide all of the nutrients they need. Snacks can provide the additional foods they need.

Snack Tips

* Plan snacks as a part of the day's food plan.
* When shopping, let children help pick out fruits, vegetables, and cheeses for snacks. They will be more interested in eating these foods if they have been involved in selecting them.
* Set aside a "snack spot" in the refrigerator and cupboard; keep it stocked with nutritious ready-to-eat snacks.
* Offer snacks at regular times, such as midmorning and midafternoon. Don't let children nibble constantly during the day.
* Avoid high sugar, fatty and salty snacks, such as candy and soda pop.
* Snacks are a good way to introduce new foods. Include a game or activity to learn about the new food and let the child help fix it.
* Plan snacks to help meet the suggested number of servings per day from the Food Guide Pyramid: 6 to 11 servings from the breads, cereal, rice and pasta group; 3 to 5 servings from the vegetable group; 2 to 4 servings from the fruit group; 2 to 3 servings from the milk, cheese and yogurt group; and 2 to 3 servings meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and dry beans group.
* Never offer food as a reward for good behavior.

Simple Healthy Snack Ideas

* Raw vegetables, such as celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green pepper, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms or zucchini may be served with a lowfat dip.
* Fresh fruit in season, cut in slices or halves, such as apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapefruit, grapes, melons, pears, plums or strawberries.
* Lowfat quick breads and muffins, such as pumpkin, zucchini, banana or bran.
* Non-sugared cereals, snack mixes made with popcorn and whole grain cereal.
* Lowfat yogurt with fresh, frozen or canned fruit.
* Shakes with lowfat milk or yogurt and fruit.
* Unsweetened fruit juices.

Pyramid Tortilla Recipe

Here is an easy to do snack. For each person you will need:

1 8-inch tortilla
2 ounces thin sliced turkey or ham
2 Tablespoons shredded cheese
1/4 cup shredded lettuce
1 Tablespoon raisins
Lowfat mayonnaise, cream cheese, or margarine

Give each person a tortilla. Have them spread with mayonnaise, margarine or cream cheese. Then layer on the meat, cheese, lettuce and raisins. Roll up and enjoy.

This snack could also be made using a slice of bread or an English muffin.