Saturday, November 29, 2008


Addressing the Body

Many people are always seeking ways in which they can improve their health, reduce weight and increase energy for long life, but are sometimes reluctant to put what they have learned into practice from fear of change and of failure. Changing our lifestyle is not as hard to do as it may seem if we weigh the importance of what can be gained against continuing in the present path. The first thing to do, which could be the hardest, is to seriously analyze our lifestyle by taking a close look at the things we eat and the things we do on a regular basis and with determined effort make changes where necessary, even in moderation.

Whether the desire is to reduce weight or to prevent or recover from illness, eating healthy foods, getting proper rest and exercise are the basic things that everyone should be doing. When we eat for health we might not immediately like all the foods that are good for us but with time their tastes will grow on us and we will come to appreciate nothing less.

A healthy diet is one which contain essential minerals and vitamins, essential fatty acids, (supplementing with a natural source where necessary), carbohydrates, proteins, from fresh natural sources, probiotics, and the all important fiber and water. But even when we follow the rules by eating healthy, there are still health problems that we will encounter if the digestive tract is unhealthy.

There is also a lot of talk about ensuring that we eat organic foods and that is good, but whether or not our foods are organic there is the risk of ingesting harmful micro-organisms and chemical residues that are in the food supply, and over which we have little or no control.

All the organs of the body depend on the intestines to extract and disseminate nutrients from the foods we eat, but when the intestines are unhealthy they do not adequately extract and absorb nutrients which result in most of the foods entering the intestines going to waste.

Under these circumstances a healthy immune system is difficult to achieve and maintain. One of the reasons for this being that cells which extract nutrients from the foods we eat are covered with plaques, mucus, yeast, unfriendly bacteria, etc. When all these harmful elements are compounded, not only do they disrupt the process of digestion, they also release toxins into our body, creating the perfect environment for the genesis of life-threatening diseases including many cancers.

Toxins are poisonous proteins and although some will not kill us immediately, they will still have a lethal effect on us eventually. Not all toxins are manufactured in the body, however, some are ingested and can result in instantaneous death.

Toxins can be found all over the body but their headquarters is the colon where they are sometimes retained for the lifetime of the host if deliberate steps are not taken to get rid of them. These toxins will contribute to the shortened lifespan of the host if they are responsible for the life-threatening diseases and illnesses experienced.

It is said that obesity, hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, etc., are in many cases life-style diseases over which we can exercise much control. The benefits that can be achieved from just paying more attention to what we eat are great but we sometimes find that even after we have done so, we are still not as healthy as we once were or as we would like to be, and even if we feel as healthy as we think we should be, we are not unless we are taking deliberate steps to be.

Body cleansing is one of the most important steps anyone can take in their quest for (or the maintenance of) good health. Detoxing the body brings enormous relief and cures for many illnesses, even those doctors sometimes say cannot be cured, like rheumatoid arthritis. I know, I was once a victim of rheumatoid arthritis and I was told that it would only get worse, but through prayer, body cleansing, a healthy diet, rest and exercise and a positive attitude, I am no longer a victim. The same goes for many other illnesses; but there is also the matter of the colon.


Addressing the Colon and Constipation

Indeed the colon is a part of the body but its responsibility is so huge and so much of our health depends on its health that it deserves to be addressed separately.

Toxins cause our intestines to be unhealthy and constipation is just one manifestation of its unhealthiness. Constipation is the retention of waste matter in the intestines for more than three days. Many people do not know that constipation is a disease because it is hardly ever addressed as such by doctors (in the past whenever I complained to a doctor of experiencing constipation, the furthest he would take the matter would be to put it in his notes). This waste matter is gradually compounded with the excess mucus, residual chemicals, parasites, plaque, heavy metals, yeast and harmful bacteria there in the intestines causing more toxins to be released into the bloodstream. You know how awful cooked food gets if it is left out of the refrigerator for two days; imagine food being inside of the intestines for more than three days at temperature greater than 94 degrees. Need I say more?

When toxins from the wastes retained in the colon defuse into the bloodstream, as inevitably it will, every organ of the body, and more so the weakest, become susceptible to diseases. Constipation is bad for our health and sometimes is manifested in nausea, indigestion, severe headaches, sleeplessness, sinusitis, fatigue. It is also bad for our self esteem and is sometimes manifested in bad breath, pimples, bloated stomach, body odor and weight gain. These are the symptoms that can be seen, felt or sensed, but if left untreated, constipation will do a lot of damage from the inside which usually will not manifest itself until it is mostly too late.

Hopefully, the importance of getting the colon to a healthy state is now understood, but the only way to achieve this is through cleansing. Some of us do not have the problem of constipation and may think that that fact exempts us from those who should be implementing colon cleanse, but this is not so.

There is no specific group of people who should be implementing colon cleansing. Of a fact, there might be some people who are in more desperate need of a colon cleanse than others, considering that they may be presently experiencing life-threatening illnesses, and may not have been given much hope from the conventional treatment they may now be undergoing, but everyone needs to cleanse their colon. You may not be constipated but there is still that pseudo-lining of plaque, mucus, yeast, parasites and harmful bacteria all lurking in the intestines of all of us. It is therefore of extreme importance that all of us include a colon cleanser in our health plan.

A body cleanser will clean the body at the cellular level and flush away toxins and much of the retained waste matter from the colon, and will also help to regulate body weight, but nothing except a colon cleanse will thoroughly clean the colon and peel away all the illnesses just waiting there for the right opportunity to strike and interrupt our lives.

With all that said, there is still this other matter we cannot leave unaddressed if we seriously want to improve our health; the matter of human parasite infestation.


Addressing Human Parasite Infestation

Everyone has parasites. The infestation of parasites is almost unavoidable and very unhealthy. This occurs mostly from our food and water supply but can also occur from the inhalation of dust particles, household pets, the use of dirty hands to handle foods and also insect and rodents in our surroundings. The main dwelling areas for parasites in the human body are the nostrils, stomach, small and large intestines (the colon) but they are sometimes all over, even in the brain

Some years ago there was a guest on an international television show who enlightened us as to his ordeal at some time in his life when he had displayed signs of manic depression, only to find that it was parasites which had lodged in an area of the brain. His purpose on the show was to highlight the importance of parasite cleansing.

Although it is impossible to totally protect ourselves from parasite there are things we can do to minimize their infestation. It is therefore important that we make special effort to thoroughly clean fruits and vegetables (especially when these do not require cooking), wash hands often (especially before handling food, before eating and after using the bathroom), keep food and water protected from household pets, insects and dust, filter or boil all drinking water, and take deliberate steps to defend our body against them.

Parasites deplete our bodies of essential nutrients by taking away the most valuable parts of our meals and, as if that is not enough, taking nutrients from the blood, and as a result we end up with a weakened immune system. Parasites are completely happy inside of us and will not move, if we do not force them out they will live in us forever. Some of them even have lifespan of over 30-years, but more frightening than that is the fact that they ensure that their population is constantly replenished, each time in a greater number than before. I have not been able to relax since I found out that I am a carrier of parasites as long as I have not specifically addressed the matter.

For all the reasons mentioned, it is obvious that one method of cleansing is not good enough to eliminate all the enemies that lurk inside our bodies and I shudder to think of the vast amount of people living today who have no knowledge of some of the things which are taking place inside of them and the simple solutions necessary.

Important Note

No one member of any family should undertake parasite cleansing. Some parasites are highly contagious and while one member may be defending against them, another may be spreading them, which would begin the cycle all over again.


If you desire to reduce weight, dieting is the last option you should consider. Instead, consider developing a healthy eating habit; that will regulate your weight. A healthy eating habit involves avoiding foods which are commercially prepared; these contain much additives and preservatives, chemicals which will eventually deplete your immune system and add toxins to your body. Instead, eat foods which are “alive”. The only process that should come between reaping our food and preparing it is transporting

A body cleanse will get rid of the toxins in the cells and bloodstream; colon cleanse will get rid of the toxins in the colon, but to totally pluck out and eliminate parasite from their dwelling places within us it is absolutely necessary to add a natural parasite cleanse to the regimen. These steps will make the difference in the absorption and retention of nutrients in our body, and build our immune system so that we are able to fight diseases and maintain or reduce weight and increase energy for health and long life.

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