Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reasons for Drug Abuse

Think You're Cool: Think again...

Drug Abuse is the taking of drugs for reasons other than medical, in a quantity, strength, frequency or manner which damages physical or mental functioning.

Most of the addicts start taking drugs out of curiousity, to have some pleasure, often under the influence of or to impress their friends and peer group. Others take them to overcome boredom, fatigue, depression or frustration. Lack of affection or love from and understanding with near and dear ones might also force a person to take drugs.

Easy availability...
Drugs of abuse may be stimulants like Amphetamines, Cocaine, Nicotine; anti-depressants like Alcohol, Barbiturates, Tranquilizers like valium and librium; sedatives like Hipnotics like mandrax and doriden; narcotic analgesics like opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, brown sugar, and synthetic drugs; cannabis like Bhang, Ganja , Charas; and Hallucinogens like LSD, PCP, Mescaline, Psilocybin.

Worth of The kick...
*loss of interest in sports and daily routine
*loss of appetite/weight
*unsteady gait, clumsy movement, tremors
*unclear vision
*slurring of speech
*nausea, vomitting, body pain
*drowsiness, sleeplessness, lethargy, passivity
*acute anxiety, depression, profused sweating
*changing mood, temper, tantrums
*emotional detachment
*impaired memory and concentration
*preference for solitude

Saving grace...
Myths & Facts
One can try drugs just once and then stop
Almost all drug addicts start by trying just once
Most addicts get their first drug from a peddler or a pusher
Most addicts get their first drug from a friend or associate in the form of a favour
Drugs increase creativity
Drug addicts lose clarity of perception, thinking and coherence of action
Will power can alone help a drug addict to stop taking drugs
Addiction becomes a disease which requires treatment on a scientific basis
Drugs sharpen thinking, lead to greater concentration and increase sexual pleasure
Drugs may remove inhibitions but temporarily, ultimately resulting in steep fall in normal functioning

So...Is it worth it...or is it better to "SAY NO TO DRUGS"

Don't Worry, Help is on the Way, Painlessly

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