Monday, January 5, 2009


Opiates elicit very powerful effects. Rapid detox counteracts them.

Opiates activate opiate receptors throughout the brain and body. Once an opiate reaches the brain, it rapidly affects that area of the brain in two ways: pleasure (or reward) and pain relief. Opiates replace natural substances that the brain itself produces, known as endorphins. Endorphins help control our respiration, nausea, vomiting, pain modulation, and hormonal regulation. Under chemical dependency, the opiate now takes control.

Stimulation of opiate receptors by opioid prescription drugs activates the pleasure circuit by releasing greater amounts of dopamine. This causes an intense euphoria. Though it lasts briefly, a contented sense of reward follows. Excessive receptor stimulation leads to addiction. Because this occurs gradually, many victims remain unaware that they need treatment like rapid detox until after they have become highly dependent.


Surveys on non-medical use of painkillers indicate increasing need among the US population for treatment, such as rapid detox, for prescription, chemical dependency:

Approximately 9% of the US population has used pain relievers illegally in their lifetime, states the 2005 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA).

* Every year nearly 2.2 million Americans use prescription painkillers for non-medical use. (i)

* Among persons aged 12 to 49, the average age at first use of illicit pain relievers in 2005 was 21.2 years (see chart below).

* In 2005, 4.7 million (2%) persons aged 12 or older used prescription-type pain‑relievers non-medically in the past month.

* In all adult age groups and some communities, prescription painkiller abuse exceeds cocaine and marijuana use.

The largest number of recent initiates (2.2 million) among abusers aged 12 or older occurs in non-medical use of pain-relievers.

* Among persons aged 12 or older who used pain-relievers non-medically, 59.8% reported that the source of the drug used was from a friend or relative for free.

* Another 16.8% reported they acquired the drug from one doctor.

* Only 4.3% received the pain-relievers from a drug dealer or other stranger, and only 0.8% reported buying the drug on the Internet.

* Non-medical use of prescription-type drugs among young adults aged 18 to 25 increased to 6.3% in 2005. This, due to an increase in pain-reliever use to 4.7% in 2005.

Learn more about addiction treatment and rapid detoxification.


The V.I.P. Las Vegas Medical Clinic of rapid detoxification is an anesthesia-assisted procedure that allows patients to return to an opiate-free, productive live. It spares them almost all of the unbearable distress and symptoms triggered by withdrawal.

* Rapid detox reverses a patient’s physical dependency on opiates.

* Rapid detox spares patients fear, suffering, and shame.

* We follow a strict safety protocol that other programs do not follow.

If you are chained to painkillers, or if someone you know and love suffers under a prescription chemical dependency, consider rapid detox.

Read about the V.I.P. Method of Rapid Detoxification.

“The success rate for people who try and dose down on their own at the methadone clinics and stay clean is 1-2%,” rapid detox patient Tiare told us. “In my opinion I would have never come off Methadone if it wasn't for the Team at Las Vegas.”

Read more of Margarita's dramatic story and her rapid detox in her personal letter.

“I had spent (the first) 12 years of my life without any kind of narcotic, so I know I can do this,” says Oxycodone patient after her rapid detoxification:. Besides, I don't want to mess up your one-month 95% success score.”

Read more of Anngelica's story about her rapid detox.

“…at least I don't have to deal with the opiates. Thank God for that,” states Brandon, a rapid detox Percocet addiction patient.

Tell us your story via confidential and private email.

During business hours, please call: 702-308-6353 or 1-702-813-3888 for more opiate detox information and prescription drug addiction treatment.

Week-ends or after-hours, please call: 702-308-9738.

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