Sunday, March 8, 2009

Woman 'in a fog' found guilty of trafficking

A 49-year-old brain injured woman will be sentenced next month for trafficking after she was found guilty yesterday of selling four oxycontin tablets to an undercover police officer.

Sherre Maas was picked up as part of operation Big Mac, a police undercover sweep carried out in September 2006 to stem the drug problem in downtown Simcoe. It netted more than 40 arrests.

Two undercover cops originally went to her home, across the road from St. Cecilia's elementary school in Port Dover, to investigate her brother, Michael Sullivan, whom they suspected of selling drugs. (He was later convicted of producing marijuana).

Sullivan had moved out, however, and they instead dealt with Maas, who is brain injured from a car accident and the removal of a brain tumour.

Maas suffers from chronic pain, migraines, memory loss, and seizures and takes numerous medications for her ailments.

Outside of court, her lawyer Anthony McCusker of Hamilton said his client "half the time is walking around in a fog.

"Her medical background is just horrible," McCusker added.

Court heard how a female undercover police officer came to the back sliding glass door of Maas's home to buy drugs.

Maas was on the phone, the officer testified, and said "I gotta go, there's someone here who wants to buy."

The officer then bought four tablets off Maas for $60.

Police returned later with a search warrant and found marijuana in Maas's bedroom as well as plants growing in the backyard.

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