Monday, January 19, 2009

The 7 steps to Healthy Living

The 7 steps to Healthy Living is not a magic formula, it is common sense. There is no magic mathematical formula in the 7 steps to Healthy Living.

Step One: go to your doctor and get a physical. If your doctor does not do it, ask for a complete blood work. This will check your cholestrol, thyroid levels, nutrion levels, blood count, and more. With the right blood work done you can find what your B12 level is, your iron level, basically the works. If you have any medical concerns talk to your doctor, ie high blood pressure, cholesterol. Ask your doctor about any medical advice before changing your diet and exercising.

Step Two: change the way you eat. No more all you can eat buffets, no more big macs or cripsy kreme. The 3 hour diet (not a fad diet) will explain in detail. With this diet make sure you are eating a well balanced diet. Eat a variety of foods. A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups. Explained in the new USDA food guide pyramid.

Step Three: exercise, there are many activities you can do to get plenty of exercise. You do not have to do the same thing every day, exercise can get boring, especially if you do the same thing over and over again. If you are short of time visit this post about "To Busy To Exercise?" If you have 30 minutes to an hour a day then start an exercise routine.

Adults should accumulate 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week, and to improve cardiovascular endurance, 20 to 60 minutes on three to five days per week.

Step Four: Most people find this hard to start. You should also add working out (strength training)to your weekly routines. You can do this by machine weight, also called free weight stations, or weighted dumbells and bars with plates. Just because you "lift weigths" does not mean you will get buffed or huge. You can lift weights to tone and add definition, or get ripped.

Step Five: get plenty of rest and sleep. Atleast 8 hours a night. Some Dr's say between 6 to 8, but if you get 8 then you will notice the difference. This lets you rest your body as well as you mind.

Step Six: This is the most important of all... Believe in yourself. If you think you cant then you will not. Self esteem, self motivation, self assurance, Be the Change you Want to See in the World not sure of author.

Step Seven: This is almost important as Step Six, when in doubt ask, get help, get advice. If you are not sure of something then get help. The only stupid question is the one not asked.

The seven steps to living healthy is not an unrealistic goal. Nor is it the easiest thing you will ever do. I promise you that if you start the steps the climb will only get easier as you go.

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