Saturday, January 24, 2009

Those who conquer their mind will conquer the world

Discover the American Monk’s secret to breakthrough living in 16 aspects of your life.

INSTANTLY boost self-esteem, rise above insurmountable obstacles, enjoy spectacular health, and live the life of your dreams.
Why Do Age Old Problems Remain?

One of the biggest problems with life in this developed world is the quick—fix mentality.

* Stressed out? Take a nap.
* Feeling down? Pop a prozac pill.
* Lost a Relationship? See a therapist or drown your sorrows with some drink.
* Suffering from Anger? Take another pill.
* Gaining weight? Try the diet fad of the month.
* Seeking Spirituality? Read this 1,000+ year old religious book and you’ll be saved.

Let me tell you—there are no quick fixes.
At least not at the conscious level.
But fortunately, the Human Mind has Multiple Levels.

Most of the solutions attempt to solve the problem on the surface level. They completely ignore the underlying problem.

Solving the symptom and not the problem is a lousy way to go about self-improvement.

Everyone has the same innate abilities to get in touch with their spiritual self (perhaps you already sense this) but just don’t know how to get started. It’s so simple, really. In fact… if you had the right teacher, you could get a jumpstart with your own abilities.
What Is Possible

Imagine for a moment—if you could tap into your inner mind to directly pull out solutions to your deepest set problems.

Lost in religion? Imagine if you could feel a constant connectedness to God and discard the dogma and rubbish organized religion feeds you.

Gaining weight? Imagine if you could avoid the fad diets – but see yourself lose weight because your mindset has changed. You feel hungry and full at the right times; your metabolic rate stays up.

Depressed? Imagine if you could instantly understand the source of your depression and then reprogram your mind to pull you out.

Missing your goals? Imagine if you could create coincidences with your mind—just like the many masters who have walked the world can.

Unhealthy? Imagine if you could automatically induce the placebo effect to speed up your body’s natural rate of healing.
Now Imagine If…

You had the knowledge. Imagine if you’d spent the world studying various mental disciplines – and had attained a degree of self-mastery where you can tap into your inner power to help you resolve life’s most urgent problem.

How would your family benefit? Whom would you influence? What would you seek to change about this world? How will you be remembered when you pass on? Who will you teach?

Or the biggest question of all.

How would you leave your mark on humanity?


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