Friday, January 16, 2009

Antidepressants Can Be Lifesavers

Antidepressant medications work equally well for most depressed people, but certain antidepressants may be more effective for particular individuals. Sometimes one antidepressant will be helpful after another has failed, or an antidepressant ultimately may help once another medication has been added to augment its effect.

Antidepressants usually are taken daily. Often it takes several weeks for them to be effective. Although some symptoms may improve early, it may take 6 to 8 weeks or longer to achieve the maximum benefits.

Antidepressants generally are helpful for people suffering with major depression, which is a sustained type of depression lasting for weeks or longer and that affects how people feel and function most days.

Although antidepressants are most helpful for more serious types of depression, they also might benefit people with milder depressions.

Antidepressants decrease symptoms of depression rather than directly elevate mood. They are not really mood stimulants. People without symptoms of mood or anxiety disorders generally will have no positive effects from antidepressants.

When people with major depression have responded well to an antidepressant, generally it is recommended that they continue taking the medication for 6 to 12 months. If they have experienced repeated depressive episodes, often it is suggested that they remain on antidepressant medication indefinitely to prevent recurrences.

When people are discontinuing an antidepressant, usually it is recommended that they decrease the dose gradually to avoid any withdrawal symptoms. However, serious side effects may require a sudden discontinuation of a medication. Always coordinate medication changes with a health care provider.

Some antidepressants need to be started at a low dose that is gradually increased over a period of weeks to avoid side effects. However, many of the newer antidepressants can be started at the full therapeutic dose.

The pharmacologic actions of antidepressants vary considerably. Their positive effects are thought to relate to how they influence the receptors for serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine in the central nervous system. However, their effects on these and other neurotransmitter systems can cause bothersome or even dangerous side effects.

Antidepressants that are safe and effective when taken alone may become ineffective or unsafe when combined with certain other medications or substances. It is important to make sure that all health care prescribers know all meds a patient is taking to avoid undesired interactions.

Antidepressants have helped millions of people. Often they have been life saving. Most people taking antidepressants benefit from them and tolerate them well. Serious side effects are rare, but it is important that they be taken as prescribed.

If you're taking an antidepressant medication, make sure that you know the name and dose of the drug, when it should be taken, whether any particular foods or other substances should be avoided, whether it should be taken with meals, what common side effects you might experience, and any serious side effects that you should alert your prescriber about right away.

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