Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celebrity News Will Britney Stay Sober?

With Britney Spears' discharge date looming, the question remains: Is she ready to leave rehab?

Usmagazine.com talks to Clare Waismann, a registered addiction specialist and executive director of the Waismann Method, to find out if the singer is ready to make a fresh start.

Although Waismann has never personally treated Spears, she suggests steps that can be taken to prevent a relapse.

Us: Once Britney leaves her rehab facility, what are some of the next steps required for a successful recovery?

CW: "I believe that she's going to need a wonderful psychiatrist who can chemically balance her. [I think] Britney has a long history of depression that has been misdiagnosed."

Us: If depression is the issue, what would a doctor recommend?
CW: "Keep her on a great anti-depressant and make sure her hormone level is stable. Because of all of her diets, pregnancies and her depression, she seems completely imbalanced.”

Us: Recently Kevin Federline has stepped up to the plate and assumed the supportive father role. How important is he as a support system?
CW: "He's supporting her as a father [to their children] and a husband and that's the best support she can get right now."

Us: How long does it typically take someone in Britney's situation to get back on track?

CW: "It could take six months to a year. This time she will be very frail, not just mentally but chemically as well..Her body the last three years has gone through ups and downs with pregnancies and diets and divorces. All those things can cause chemical imbalances. She needs probably a year away from everything and everybody so she can at least stabilize herself.

Us: Speaking from your experiences, do you think she has much of a chance of relapse? Or will she be able to turn her life around and have the career she once had?

CW: "It's going to take a lot of intervention from her family, who are her biggest supporters right now. She's got to stay away from the business for a while to find herself. Simplicity will give her the simple pleasures that make our lives worthwhile.

Us: Is she more prone to relapse because she's a public figure?
CW: "Absolutely."

Us: How would you advise someone in her situation to move forward?

CW: "Her best bet for the next year is just living a very mellow and motherly life."

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