Saturday, March 21, 2009

Have You Taken SEROQUEL?

AVANDIA LAWSUIT INF: + Before you discontinue use of this or ANY medication you need to consult your Doctor or a Medical Professional, as dangerous side effects are possible with sudden discontinuation of use.

Dec. 30, 2005
A two-year study at VA Connecticut Healthcare System found that high blood sugar levels existed in nearly one out of every three patients using atypical antipsychotics, including Seroquel. Patients who were otherwise thought to have normal blood sugar levels, actually demonstrate "significant abnormalities" of glucose metabolism, sufficient to justify screening in outpatient populations.
Those that have already suffered as a result of taking Seroquel may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer of the drug, AstraZeneca.

* Diabetes
* Pancreatitis
* Ketoacidosis
* Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Drug litigation lawyers are able to help affected patients put together a sound case with a view to making a claim, and the settlement received can cover medical expenses resulting from problems caused by Seroquel, as well as pain and suffering of patients that have experienced harm or injury from this drug.

Patients that are taking Seroquel as a regular treatment at the moment are advised not to simply stop taking it, but to contact their doctor with a view to changing over to an alternative medication. Patients are also advised to remain vigilant and look out for signs of diabetes, which include increased thirst, weight gain, and increased urination. Any signs of these effects should be immediately reported to a doctor so that tests can be carried out as soon as possible.

If you, a family member, or friend has suffered Diabetes, Blood Sugar Disorders or Pancreatitis using Seroquel, there is a chance you qualify for monetary compensation from the manufacturer. Don't hesitate to seek justice for the damages you or your loved ones have suffered!

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