Friday, April 17, 2009

Authorities bust OxyContin ring

PORTSMOUTH — Authorities have arrested six people, including three Seacoast area residents, in connection with a drug trafficking scheme in which police say a Florida man shipped hundreds of OxyContin pills through the U.S. mail system to dealers for distribution in the Seacoast area.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in New Hampshire said the arrests Tuesday are part of a 11⁄2-year "Operation Pill Cash" investigation that included collaboration between federal authorities and the Somersworth Police Department.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Davis said the narcotics distribution ring from Florida to New Hampshire involved the shipping of more than 1,500 OxyContin pills through the U.S. Postal Service to dealers. The drugs would then be sold throughout the greater Seacoast area, authorities say.

"Essentially the pills would be shipped from Florida to the charged defendants by Express Mail, which means they would get there in two to three days. The reason many traffickers use that is it's quick and goes directly to the house," Davis said.

Nicholas Morton, 39, of Hollywood, Fla., was arrested at his home and was scheduled to be arraigned on Wednesday in a U.S. District Court in Florida.

Davis said Morton is the alleged supplier of the OxyContin — a highly addictive narcotic painkiller.

Matthew Chase, 27, and Richard Mancini, 28, both of Seabrook, Jeremy Stephenson, 26, of Epping, and Lawrence, Mass., residents Sara Jabour, 30, and John Denisco, 31, have also been arrested in connection with the alleged operation.

The six individuals are all charged in a criminal complaint with conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute and the unlawful distribution of oxycodone, unlawful possession with the intent to distribute oxycodone, unlawful distribution of oxycodone and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

OxyContin is a brand name for oxycodone.

If convicted, the defendants could face prison terms in excess of 20 years and fines in excess of $1 million.

Davis would not discuss the details of the case, but said the recent bust is part of a greater effort to curb the trafficking of OxyContin from Florida to New Hampshire.

She described Florida as the "mecca" for OxyContin shipments, noting that it is often the origin of the drug when it is trafficked to New Hampshire and other New England states.

"We are seeing a lot of it in Florida," Davis said.

Davis said Morton would ship the drugs to the other five arrested parties for distribution and would also make trips to the Granite State.

The assistant U.S. Attorney noted that those trafficking drugs through the mail often conceal the pills in containers and place other items like toiletries in the boxes to make the drugs less detectable and the boxes themselves heavier.

"Operation Pill Cash" involved a joint investigation coordinated by the U.S. Attorney's Office, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Postal Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office Drug Task Force and numerous local New Hampshire and Massachusetts police departments, including the Somersworth Police Department.

Davis declined to comment on exactly why Somersworth authorities were involved saying only they were a vital law enforcement partner lending resources to the effort.

She said authorities are unsure of where the drugs were specifically distributed.

Davis said judging from the "volume" of pills shipped to the area, they were likely sold throughout the Seacoast region.

"The increase in OxyContin use and addiction in New Hampshire and New England has been phenomenally on the rise over the past couple years. Law enforcement is taking a very active role in combating the increase in OxyContin trafficking," Davis said.

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