Friday, April 10, 2009

Prescription Drug Ring Runs From Florida to Bethel

The pharmacy in Bethel where people are trying to fill illegal prescriptions from Florida for high-powered narcotics. (WKRC-TV) More than six million people in this country are abusing prescription drugs -- that's more than the number of Americans abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants combined, according to the DEA.

In Florida, experts say five people die every day from prescription drug overdoses. Local 12's Rich Jaffe says Florida's problem is now coming here.

If you had a prescription you needed to fill, how far would you be willing to go to fill it? In the last month a number of people in the Tri-State have gone as far as Florida to get the "script" and then come all the way back here, to fill it.

In mid-March the tiny Pillbox Pharmacy in Amelia was suddenly flooded with Kentucky residents trying to fill Florida prescriptions for powerful painkillers like Oxycodone, Roxycodone and Percocet. The first guy showed up with one script in each hand. "We were real surprised when we first started seeing them come in due to the fact they were all stamped with the drug name on them and you could see where the people had put all their information on there ahead of time."

Pharmacies across the area saw the blitz ... sometimes different groups of people hitting the same pharmacy on the same day. "The officer brought back the people that were involved to the office and within the hour another call from CVS pharmacy that another script was being passed from a doctor in Florida, so another officer went up there and brought those people back to the office ... so we had our office full of Kentucky residents trying to pass Florida scripts."

Most of the apparently legal prescriptions are coming from pain clinics in South Florida where "patients" pay $200 for an initial visit and a fist full of prescriptions. Each subsequent visit costs $150. "In talking to the people I know in the Warren County Drug Unit they informed me that there's a pipeline running from Southern Florida right up to this area and people are passing handfuls of prescriptions everywhere."

Bethel Police checked out one womans' GPS and found locations for pharmacies in four states, including two doctors' offices in Florida.

While the investigation continues police in Bethel have been confiscating the questionable prescriptions and telling the people who brought them, they'll get them back when the investigations done, as long as they're legal.

State, local and federal investigators are all looking at the south Florida clinics where the prescriptions are coming from and the people trying to fill them. In Ohio, pharmacists are not required to fill prescriptions if they are suspicious.

On the street, illegal prescription drugs like oxycontin sell for about a dollar per milligram.

Take control of your life again, painlessly.

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