Thursday, February 5, 2009

OxyContin Lawsuit

OxyContin Lawsuit: Legal Help for Victims of Oxycontin Addiction

OxyContin has emerged as one of the most addictive narcotic prescription painkillers ever approved by the FDA. Oxycontin is very similar to morphine, and is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Unfortunately, many patients who are prescribed OxyContin for legitimate reasons become severely addicted to the drug, many of which require rehabilitation to free themselves of the addiction.

In January 2004, congressional investigators stated that Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of OxyContin, delivered promotional videos to physicians making unsupported claims that minimized the dangers of the medication. In May 2007, Purdue Pharma, L.P., pleaded guilty to a federal felony of intentionally, knowingly, and fraudulently misbranding OxyContin in order to persuade health care providers to specifically prescribe its painkiller to their patients. As a result of these actions, OxyContin became one of the best selling pain medications of all time.
Legal Help Only Available for OxyContin Victims who were Prescribed the Medication

Unfortunately, OxyContin has become a popular drug sold on the streets. In fact, there have been numerous pharmacies have been robbed for OxyContin. However, at this time legal consultations are only available to those who became addicted to OxyContin after the drug was prescribed to them by a doctor.
Free Lawsuit Consultation

If you or a loved one has suffered due to an Oxycontin addiction you may have valuable legal rights. Please complete the inquiry form by clicking on picture below to have your case further reviewed.

In All, it's Almost Impossible to Detox off this Potent Opiate Narcotic. But don't worry help is on the way. Painlessly and Passionately. You will be compensated, if this Medication was Prescribed to you. So go ahead with the Rapid Opiate Detox by clicking Lindsay Lohans picture below for more information.

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