Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Art of Sex

For those of you Gentlemen in a long-term relationship, you may think dating is behind you.

Not so fast. I think dating is an erotic art that would be a part of your love life as long as you are alive.

Keeping your sex life fresh and vibrant is really about remaining open to new experiences and new sensations.

Making a date with your wife or girlfriend, you will not only experience a great sexual stimulation

- which of course is a big part of it, but also engage in activities that can increase

the romantic quotient on our date like lets say moonlit walks and touring art museums.

I have personally toured many art galleries and museums with my girlfriend. It is a nice way to spend the afternoon before a romantic dinner. I am of an opinion that art arouses your senses and awakens you to thoughts and feelings out of the ordinary realm of your day-to-day life.

If you share these thoughts and feelings with another, you can both open up your senses and perceptions to new possibilities. It also gives you a chance to see each other in a different light.

Sharing your likes and dislikes in art is another way to bond and increase your intimacy.

Another way of spending our time could be a walk in local gardens or parks.
I have spent more then one date wandering parklike settings of gardens open to public.

I think connecting with nature is a natural prelude to romance and sex.

A memorable date could of course involve a long luxurious dinner at fine restaurant
where all your senses are engaged. Your sense of sight is stimulated by the arrangement of the food, the table, the restaurant. Your sense of smell is aroused by the aroma of the food and perhaps a light smell of her perfume emanating from your dinner partner.

Your sense of touch is also involved. Some foods are juicy, others are dry and
still others are soft and warm. And last, but not least, your sense of hearing comes into play in the form of your partners voice and stimulating conversation.

Ready to play

I think sex is an extremely important event worthy of all the anticipation, planning and effort most people expend for other special occasions such as birthdays or holidays.

Although I am not an expert in relationships, this is just my own opinion, I make every effort to honor sex as a special and sacred event. I take the time to find out something about her likes and dislikes, I do not approach this like I am taking her order for a meal. Instead, I am subtle and a little mysterious. I use my intuition to fill in the gaps between what she says.

If she mentions a lot of stress at work, I know it is the best for me to create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere. But if she complains about being bored, I would ensure lots of excitement during our time together.

If she is stressed out, I would create a soothing and healing atmosphere.

I would let her talk about the troubles of the day and then give her for a relaxing massage.

Sex would flow slowly and easily from this place.

Sex and Mind

I am of an opinion that great sex is not only about body and psychical sensations.

I think truly great sex engages the intellect as well. In fact intellectual stimulation has limitless potential and can be accessed regardless of physical limitations such as age or health. It would be verbal fencing, humor, active listening and sharing secrets.

Most Women are aroused by a Man who is intelligent and assertive.

Humor is also important. When we laugh, we release many endorphins that are the same
chemicals present when they have orgasms. Endorphins create a sense of well-being.
Endorphins also bond us to others, so laughter can be a wonderful precursor to sex !

A little bit of humor...I call it "The 7 minute secret"

You are on business travel. You had a long day full of meetings with angry clients.

You have a couple of drinks at the bar and head to relax in the privacy of your hotel room.

You turn on the TV and within seconds you gravitate towards the adult entertainment channel.

You enjoyed the preview, you've seen that blonde before, and decide to order the movie using the hotel's digital system supplied by a large entertainment conglomerate...

Well, a very reliable source shared something hilarious with me:

in today's digital world the length of time you watch porn is measured, anatomized,
and becomes part of a statistical distribution.

Ever wondered what the average time watching hotel porn is?
You guessed right, it's about 7 minutes :)

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