Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christian Counseling Center

Today's busy world many of us do not have time to drive to yet another place, spend an hour, and continue on with our hectic schedules.

However, in our personal lives, troubles can arise that dictate we need outside help with our marriages, other relationships, children problems, inlaw problems, family problems, and making difficult decisions concerning whatever issue that we find ourselves involved in.

In addition, many of these issues are highly personal, so much so that we don't want others to know about them. Moreover, we don't want someone we know to see that we are going to a counselor. Which is why there is an excellent solution to that by taking advantage of online counseling with a therapist, without ever having to leave your own home, car, or office.

"People make a change when the pain of staying the same becomes WORSE than the pain of changing."

(You might want to read that sentence several times again, in order for you to understand just how true that statement is. And when you reach the point that the pain you are in has become worse than the pain of changing your situation, then that is the time to seek outside help and guidance.)

Change does not mean that you can change another person, but you can change yourself and how you react to that person, or situation. And when you make a change in your reactions to a person or situation, the other person HAS to make a change also, and the situation improves because you are handling it in a different way.

Another way of saying this is the definition of "insanity" which is "doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results." If you feel that you have been doing the same thing over and over again, and getting the same results, you may feel like you have lost control, not only of the situation but of yourself.

Whatever your problems may be, I believe that God plays a major part in restoring our dysfunctional lives, families, and issues. I help my clients to get to the "root" of the problem, not just by covering it up with a band-aid, but by completely removing the basic problems at their source. (Part of solving any problem or dilemma that we may find ourselves in, begins with understanding the problem first. When you understand the problem correctly, then the solution can be found, usually very quickly.)

Because we actually "train" people how to treat us, by what we allow or don't allow in our lives, we can then understand that we have the power to take back control of our lives by changing our reactions to our problems. We can then gain control of the situation. Remember, others cannot hurt you, unless you give them the power to do so. God can help you take back your power over your own life.

As we grow into a spiritual maturity that also keeps pace with our psychological growth, our lives become "peaceful" in ways that we could never have predicted. It has been my experience that other than "love", most of us our looking for "peace in our lives" and "the peace that passeth understanding", which is the kind of peace that only God can offer and sustain. And counseling can help you resolve an issue so that you can find that "peace."

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