Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Health Warning for Heart Surgery Patients and their Families

If you've undergone or watched someone else undergo major surgery, you realize the seriousness of the situation. One slight error and the consequences could be permanent for the patient. A huge problem for those on the operating table has been the possibility of enormous blood loss; thus, Trasylol was developed and introduced.

Watch The Trasylol Alert From The FDA!

Created from a cow lung extract, Trasylol is an amino acid that stops blood from coagulating.

During surgery, many patients are given Trasylol to prevent substantial blood loss. Trasylol slows down fibrinolysis, which can lead to the separation of blood clots. And ideally, Trasylol additionally reduces the need for blood transfusions. However, the drug has recently been linked to such dire side effects as heart attack, stroke, and acute renal failure in patients who had been given Trasylol in good faith by their physicians.

In fact, concerns over Trasylol's possible defectiveness (and rush to the market without being sufficiently studied) have led a number of individuals to file lawsuits on behalf of themselves or others.

If you or someone you care about was given Trasylol and experienced any of the following side effects, you may be entitled to monetary compensation from Bayer (Trasylol's maker) for your suffering:

* Kidney problems
* Heart attack
* Stroke
* Thrombosis
* Myocardial infarction
* Encephalopathy (Note: Italy withdrew Trasylol from the market over fears of bovine spongiform encephalopathy potential, likely from its cow lung extract connection as noted above)
Trasylol doubles the risk of renal failure and stroke and also increases the risk of heart failure or heart attack by 55%

The Food and Drug Administration issued an advisory on February 9, 2006 to alert doctors to limit the use of Trasylol in patients during coronary artery bypass surgery due to the risk of potentially-fatal kidney trauma. There are a number of less expensive and dangerous generic drugs that could prevent renal failure in 9,000 to 11,000, but Bayer AG maintains that the findings of the FDA and the NEJM do not reflect the 15 years of data collected from their own studies.

If you or someone you love was injured by the severe side effects of Trasylol, you may be entitled to pursue financial compensation for your pain and suffering, but if you wait too long laws called statutes of limitations could prevent you from pressing your case. Let a dedicated and experienced defective drug attorney help you get you the restitution you deserve. Contact a Trasylol lawyer today.

you may be entitled to compensation!

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