Thursday, January 29, 2009

Opiate Treatment

Opiate Treatment:

Freedom from addiction and dependence is the goal of any opiate treatment. A wide range of in-patient and out-patient programs, services and treatments are available for people who are addicted to opioids including heroin and prescription painkillers such as morphine, OxyContin, Fentanyl, Lorcet and Lortab.

New advancements in the field of addiction are always on the horizon, as researchers, doctors and detox programs try to find solutions to the growing problem. Because of their addictive nature, opiates can lead to dependence, tolerance and addiction if used persistently. Opiates are considered the most effective in terms of pain relief. Oftentimes, people can take them safely in the prescribed amount. Prolonged, persistent use can lead to tolerance, dependence and addiction. Because opiates have a high rate of relapse, medically-supervised treatment is often necessary.
Drug Detox

Opiates can have severe withdrawal symptoms for those who use continuously. Because of this, most patients need to undergo detoxification to rid the system of opiates. Often the first step in a drug rehab program, detox could include any number of intervention strategies aimed at ridding users of addictive substances. Whatever detox process is used, the goal is to lessen the drugs’ physical effects on users.

Detox itself isn’t designed to target the other complex aspects of addiction, including psychological, social and behavioral health. Detox is often paired with other therapies to address these issues. Most detox programs begin by evaluating the patient to see if the drug is present in the body and whether there are other medical or psychological issues to address.

In some cases, stabilizing the patient requires medication to ease the physical and mental symptoms common with many drugs. Many programs offer “substitution therapy,” where opiate addiction is treated by other opiate-based drugs including Suboxone and Subutex. Because some of these replacement opiates can be addictive, patients often need to be weaned a second time.
Rapid Drug Detox

Researchers are always looking for a new way to treat an old problem. Programs that offer rapid detox do so in the hopes that quickly treating the addiction will have a better outcome in terms of patient abstinence. Not all rapid detox programs are designed the same or offer the same results. The Waismann Method of Accelerated Neuro-Regulation launched in 1997 and has treated thousands of patients world-wide with much success. Patients sleep comfortably under light anesthesia while special medications cleanse the drugs from their opiate receptors. With this in-hospital procedure, patients can return to a normal life within days.

Accelerated withdrawal symptoms occur within hours instead of days, as with traditional methods. Once patients wake up, they are no longer physically dependent on opiates and they are unaware of the withdrawal that occurred during the procedure. After-care is closely monitored and patients are prescribed a daily dose of non-addictive Naltrexone, an opiate inhibitor to eliminate physical cravings for opiates. The procedure helps patients detox from opiates including Vicodin, Norco, heroin, LAAM, Dilaudid, Darvocet, Percocet, Percodan, MS Contin, Stadol, Suboxone, Buprenorphine and Tramadol.
Get Help Now

Call us today to discuss how the V.I.P. Team can free you from your dependency and get your life back.

* Call today: (800)276-7021 or (702)308-6353


Medical Director: Board-Certified by American Board of Anesthesiology 1994, former chief of cardiac anesthesia, University of Nevada School of Medicine.

Board-Certified by American Board of Pain Medicine 1997, Clinical Assistant Professor University Nevada School of Medicine.


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makaveli said...

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