Friday, January 30, 2009

Pharmacy burglaries continue

Possible burglars struck a local pharmacy for the fourth time in recent months.

Davis City Pharmacy was broken into sometime between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.

Workers boarded up the store’s front glass Thursday.

Nelda Chane, Davis lead pharmacy technician, confirmed the store has been forcefully entered for the second time since Dec. 9.

“This time they busted the front window out,” Chane said. “And the last time we got broke into, Willow Park was broken into the following night.”

In the first break-in suspects apparently entered the store through the roof. Burglars made off with thousands of dollars worth of stolen prescription drugs including highly-potent pain killers Methadone, Oxycontin and Morphine. Authorities said Methadone is commonly used as a heroin replacement for addicts.

Police said the culprits did not leave things openly out of place, so employees did not notice the December burglary right away.

Thieves also stole a large amount of drugs in the Willow Park burglary at Tackett’s Pharmacy along with about $200 in cash. A store alarm was triggered and police immediately responded, but by the time they arrived, the burglars had fled the scene.

Video surveillance was taken from the Willow Park crime, which authorities are currently investigating in the case.

Hall’s Pharmacy was also broken into in December. The store was closed at the time of the break-in and an alarm alerted police.

Police reports state the culprits made entry through a rear door to the building.

Officials said it appeared in the Hall burglary, the thieves completed their crime in less than five minutes. Halls’ burglary had an estimated loss of about a $25,000.

In the recent break-in at Davis, Chane said employees immediately knew something was wrong when they arrived to work Thursday morning and saw broken glass.

A complete store inventory must be taken before officials and store owners know what and how much merchandise and drugs were taken in the crime, if any.

Chane did say store owners are planning to boost security measures immediately.

Weatherford Police Lt. Chris Crawford said the recent incident could be a vandalism. He added Wanda’s on Fort Worth Highway and Dixie House at Interstate 20 and Tin Top Road also made reports of having windows busted out sometime Wednesday evening.

Currently, all of the cases are being investigated by local authorities who are working with area departments.

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