Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Healthy Thinking

* Would you like to learn how to be an optimist and change your negative thinking?

* Would you like to learn techniques that help you think optimistically?

Do you know someone who is generally cheerful and in a good mood, someone who looks on the bright side of things and lets bad situations roll off her back? You may be envious of this person's positive attitude and wish you were born with the same sunny disposition.

Your friend wasn't necessarily born with a positive outlook, but cultivated one through deliberate optimistic thinking. And you are not destined to be a pessimist the rest of your life. You, too, can learn to be an optimist by practicing and applying healthy, optimistic thinking.

Healthy, optimistic thinking has many (serious) benefits to your health, not the least of which is feeling good. It can help you:

* improve your mood and self-esteem
* decrease depression, anxiety, and hostility
* lessen pain and other bodily symptoms
* speed recovery from surgery
* enhance your immune function
* possibly extend your life

Read more on what research shows about optimistic thinking and your health.

You may think that optimism and pessimism are traits you're stuck with, but they're not. To a large extent, optimism and pessimism are just learned habits. Changing the way that you think and talk to yourself can improve your physical and emotional well-being.

Learn how to become a healthy, optimistic thinker.

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