Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Relaxation and imagery

Would you like to learn how to:

* relieve stress with a personalized action plan from HealthMedia Relax®?
* learn how well you bounce back from stressful situations?
* find out your stress level?
* manage your natural reaction to stress through relaxation?
* reduce the effects of stress on your body and mind with easy-to-learn exercises?
* relax anytime, anywhere with quick and easy relaxation techniques?
* reduce muscle tension and mental stress with muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, guided imagery, and autogenic training?
* slow down and become more focused on the present moment through mindfulness and meditation?
* change negative habits and thoughts with self-hypnosis and affirmations?
* alleviate symptoms from illness or injury?
* create your own at-home spa to pamper yourself without spending a fortune?
* find calm with yoga?

When you think of relaxing, what images come to mind? Sitting quietly? Reading? Meditating? Contemplating a sunset? For some people, thrilling stimulation relaxes them much more than sitting quietly. Playing a competitive game of basketball, driving a race car at high speed, or jumping out of an airplane can bring relaxation for some people.

Imagery is a type of relaxation in which you use the power of your imagination combined with relaxation techniques to produce calming, energizing, or healing responses in your body. If you have ever closed your eyes and pictured yourself lying on the beach as a way to relax yourself, you have used imagery techniques.

Whatever your method, relaxation and imagery are powerful medicine. They can help you:

* reduce anxiety, fear, and panic
* decrease chronic tension
* decrease pain and the need for pain medications
* reduce blood pressure in stress-related hypertension
* decrease heart disease risk
* improve comfort during medical, surgical, and dental procedures
* reduce the length of labor and discomfort of childbirth
* lessen the stress of infertility and improve the chances of conception
* speed healing and recovery from surgery, injury, or skin problems (such as warts or psoriasis)
* boost immune function
* improve management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, lung, and heart disease

Read more on what research shows about relaxation, imagery, and your health.

There are many more advantages to relaxation: you can do it on your own; you don't need any special equipment; it's free; and it can be done anywhere, at any time.

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