Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Time pressure

Would you like to learn how to:

* change your perception of time?
* relax time's grip on your life?
* discover your top goals and priorities?
* simplify your life?
* minimize the time you spend focusing on the past or worrying about the future?
* become more organized?
* reduce time- and energy-wasters?
* manage your time more effectively?
* overcome procrastination?

We all have 24 hours in a day. Some of us feel like we have no time at all. Others manage to get their work done and still have lots of time to relax and enjoy themselves. They are people who have learned to structure their lives so that they focus most of their time and energy on what is most important to them and minimize time spent on things they don't really value. The key is to discover what's really important for you to do and do those things well.

For those of us who don't seem to have enough time, we imagine what an organized, on-time, relaxed life would be like. Not only would it be more pleasurable, but it is healthier, too.

Time pressure can take a negative toll on your well-being such as:

* tension and anxiety
* sleep loss and the health problems related to sleep loss (such as daytime sleepiness, impaired memory, depression, slow thinking, poor health, and irritability or erratic behavior)
* slipping into bad habits, such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, and artificial stimulants to control your energy (caffeine or pills to rev you up or calm you down)
* a negative effect on your mood and self-esteem, and possibly your relationships with others

Read more on what research shows about time pressure and your health.

While a stress-free life may not be completely realistic for most of us, there are many things you can do to manage your time, deal with procrastination, and accomplish your most important priorities in a more relaxed, enjoyable way.

Learn how to stop your struggle with time pressure and put time on your side.

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